Re: Technical Observations on SATAN: Issue: VMS and TCP/IP

Bob Rahe (
Fri, 7 Apr 1995 10:09:03 EDT

+------ On Apr 7,  3:07, Tim Scanlon wrote:

|>I do some admin stuff at GMU, and while one of the other admin's here
|>was running it against our subnet we encountered a crash. We've got
|>a Paragon, and on the heavy scan it crashed during the test. We havn't
|>isolated why yet, but suspect that it was becasue it was being hammered
|>quite fast. This was after the "light & med" tests hasd passed. That
|>machine is fairly tight, so it wasn't a matter of there being alot
|>of ports open or anything... Anyway it didn't happen again, and we
|>really ~obviously~ arn't looking to replicate it, particlularly on
|>this machine, but I'd be interested to hear of any similar stuff
|>from other folks.

  We run a Unisys A-series host and when I ran the heavy test against it
it got REALLY busy, except for the console it was pretty unresponsive.  When
the test completed it came back fine.  It appeared that one of the processes
that handles TCP/IP stuff got very busy during that time and since it runs
at high priority it kinda took over the machine.  This machine is also fairly
"tight" and would have had very few ports open.  Maybe there is a connection.

|Bob Rahe, Delaware Tech&Comm College | AIDS, Drugs, Abortion: -        |
|Computer Center, Dover, Delaware     |  - Don't liberals just kill you?|
|Internet:        |Save whales; and kill babies?    |